1915c Waiver for Home and Community Based Services: A Guide

11 Jan 2022
All 50 states and D.C. offer the 1915c waiver program, providing HCBS to those in need of institutional-level care.

Are you or someone you know in need of long-term care, but would prefer to receive it in the comfort of your own home? If so, the 1915c waiver program may be able to help. This Medicaid program provides funding for home and community-based services for individuals who would otherwise require care in a nursing home or other institutional setting.

With this program, you can receive the care you need while staying close to your loved ones and continuing to live independently. Learn more about the 1915c waiver program and how it may benefit you or your loved ones.

The History and Evolution of the 1915c Waiver Program

The 1915c waiver program has a rich history that dates back to the early days of Medicaid. It was first introduced in 1981 as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which aimed to reduce government spending on healthcare.

At the time, many individuals who required long-term care were being institutionalized in nursing homes, which was both costly and often detrimental to their well-being. The 1915c waiver program sought to change this by providing an alternative to institutional care.

It allowed states to use Medicaid funds to provide home and community-based services (HCBS) to eligible individuals, enabling them to receive the care they needed while remaining in their own homes or communities.

Changes and expansions

Over the years, the 1915c waiver program has undergone several changes and expansions. In 1993, for example, Congress passed the Family Support Act, which created new HCBS options for families caring for children with disabilities.

And in 2005, the Deficit Reduction Act gave states more flexibility in designing their HCBS programs. Today, all 50 states offer some form of HCBS under the 1915c waiver program.

Services offered

These services can include everything from personal care assistance and homemaking services to respite care and transportation assistance.

What is 1915c Waiver Program?

The 1915c waiver program is designed to provide individuals with long-term care needs the option to receive services in their own homes or communities instead of being institutionalized in nursing homes. This program has proven to be a cost-effective way of providing care, as it is often less expensive than institutional care.

Under the 1915c waiver program, eligible individuals can receive a wide range of home and community-based services that are tailored to their specific needs. These services can include personal care assistance, homemaking services, respite care, transportation assistance, and more.

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), over 1.6 million people received HCBS under the 1915c waiver program in 2017 alone. This number is expected to continue growing as more individuals seek out alternatives to institutional care.

If you or someone you know is in need of long-term care and would prefer to receive it at home or in the community, consider exploring the options available under the 1915c waiver program.

Services Provided by the 1915c Waiver Program

The 1915c waiver program provides a variety of home and community-based services to eligible individuals. These services may include:

  • Personal care services
  • Home health aide services
  • Homemaker and chore services
  • Adult day health services
  • Respite care services
  • Case management services
  • Assistive technology and home modifications
  • Transportation services

The specific services offered may vary by state and by individual, depending on their needs and the availability of services in their area.

Who is Eligible for the 1915c Waiver Program?

The 1915c waiver program lets states customize services to meet the specific needs of certain groups. Within these groups, states can establish additional criteria to further target the population to be served on a HCBS waiver.

Targeted Groups

  • Age or diagnosis, such as:
  • Autism
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury


To qualify for this program, individuals must demonstrate a need for a Level of Care that meets the state's eligibility requirements for services in an institutional setting.

Additionally, each state sets the maximum number of people who will be served under a HCBS waiver program.

Eligibility for the 1915c Waiver Program: Understanding the Requirements

If you or a loved one is in need of long-term care, you may have heard of the 1915c waiver program. This program is designed to provide an alternative to institutional care by allowing eligible individuals to receive the same level of care in their own homes or communities.


To qualify for the 1915c waiver program, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Medicaid eligibility: Individuals must be eligible for Medicaid, which means meeting certain income and asset requirements that can vary by state. A Medicaid planning professional can help determine eligibility.
  • Level of care: Individuals must require the level of care provided in a nursing home or institutional setting, including assistance with activities of daily living.
  • Ability to receive care at home or in the community: Individuals must have access to the necessary medical equipment, supplies, and support services to ensure their safety and well-being.

It's important to note that eligibility requirements can vary by state, so it's essential to check with your state's Medicaid office to determine if you or a loved one qualifies. Currently, all 50 states and the District of Columbia offer some form of the 1915c waiver program, making it a viable option for long-term care if the requirements are met.

Benefits of the 1915c Waiver Program

The 1915c waiver program is designed to offer a range of benefits to eligible individuals and their families.

Primary benefit

  • Receive care in the comfort of their own homes and communities: This can make a significant difference in the quality of life for those who may otherwise require institutional care.

Cost savings

Beyond the improved quality of life for individuals, there are also significant cost savings associated with the 1915c waiver program.

  • Less expensive home and community-based services: The program can help to reduce the need for more expensive institutional care.
  • Beneficial: This is not only beneficial for state Medicaid programs, but also for individuals and families who may be responsible for paying for care.

Overall, the 1915c waiver program is an important resource for those in need of long-term care services. It offers a valuable alternative to institutional care and can help to improve lives while also reducing healthcare costs.

The Differences Between the 1915c Waiver Program and Other Medicaid Programs

While the 1915c waiver program is a Medicaid program, it differs from other programs in several ways.

Eligibility Requirements

One key difference between the 1915c waiver program and other Medicaid programs is the eligibility requirements. To qualify for the 1915c waiver program, individuals must require a level of care that would typically be provided in an institutional setting. In contrast, other Medicaid programs may have different eligibility requirements based on factors such as income or disability status.

Services Offered

Another significant difference is the range of services offered under the 1915c waiver program compared to other Medicaid programs. While traditional Medicaid programs may provide coverage for medical services such as doctor visits and hospital stays, they may not cover home and community-based services to the same extent as the 1915c waiver program.


The 1915c waiver program also offers more flexibility than traditional Medicaid programs. States have more control over how they design and implement their HCBS programs under this waiver, allowing them to tailor services to meet the specific needs of their populations.

Overall, while there are similarities between the 1915c waiver program and other Medicaid programs, it's essential to understand these differences when considering long-term care options. The unique features of this program can make it a valuable resource for eligible individuals seeking home and community-based care.

Finding Out if Your State Offers the 1915c Waiver Program

If you or a loved one is in need of long-term care and is interested in receiving home and community-based services through the 1915c waiver program, the first step is to determine if your state offers this program.

Contacting your state Medicaid office

The best way to find out if your state offers the 1915c waiver program is to contact your state Medicaid office. They can provide you with information on the specific services offered, eligibility requirements, and how to apply for the program.

Online resources

Many states also have online resources available that can help you determine if you are eligible for the 1915c waiver program. These resources may include eligibility questionnaires or informational guides on how to apply for the program.

Local advocacy organizations

In addition to contacting your state Medicaid office, local advocacy organizations may also be able to provide you with information on the 1915c waiver program. These organizations may have staff members who are familiar with the program and can answer any questions you may have about eligibility or services offered.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can determine if the 1915c waiver program is available in your state and begin exploring options for receiving home and community-based services.

Funding for the 1915c Waiver Program: Allocation to States

Funding for the 1915c waiver program is allocated by the federal government to each state based on a formula that takes into account factors such as population, demographics, and healthcare costs. Once a state receives its allocation, it has significant flexibility in how it uses those funds to provide home and community-based services.

States can choose which services to offer, who is eligible to receive them, and how much they will pay providers. They are also responsible for monitoring the quality of care provided under the program.

While the federal government provides funding for the 1915c waiver program, states must also contribute their own funds. This can be done through a variety of means, such as using state Medicaid dollars or leveraging other funding sources like grants or private donations.

Overall, this system allows states to tailor their HCBS programs to meet the unique needs of their populations while providing a cost-effective alternative to institutional care.

The Future of the 1915c Waiver Program

As with any government program, the 1915c waiver program is subject to potential changes and expansions in the future. One area that has garnered attention is expanding eligibility criteria for the program.

Some advocacy groups have pushed for changes that would allow individuals with disabilities who are not currently covered by Medicaid to be eligible for the 1915c waiver program. This could include individuals with developmental disabilities or mental health conditions who require long-term care services but do not meet current eligibility requirements.

Another potential change on the horizon is increased funding for the program. As healthcare costs continue to rise, there may be a push to allocate more federal funds towards home and community-based services as a cost-effective alternative to institutional care.

Additionally, advances in technology are creating new opportunities for remote monitoring and telehealth services, which could further expand the scope of services offered under the 1915c waiver program.

While it's impossible to predict exactly what changes or expansions may occur in the future, it's clear that there is a growing need for home and community-based services as our population ages. The 1915c waiver program will likely continue to play an important role in meeting this need while providing cost-effective alternatives to institutional care.


The 1915c waiver program is a Medicaid program that provides home and community-based services to eligible individuals who require the level of care provided in an institutional setting. The program offers a range of services, including personal care assistance, transportation, and respite care.

Eligibility requirements vary by state but may include Medicaid eligibility, the need for a level of care provided in an institutional setting, and the ability to receive care at home or in the community. All 50 states offer some form of the 1915c waiver program, providing a cost-effective alternative to institutional care while improving quality of life for individuals. The unique features of this program make it an important resource for those in need of long-term care services.


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