Our Team

Meet Our Team

You will be part of a dynamic and dedicated team of professionals that thrives on mutual support, shared goals, and commitment to our mission. We offer an inclusive, collaborative environment that encourages growth, learning, and success in your role.

Our Staff

Our Dedicated Team

Chaim Homnick
Chaya Unsdorfer
Director of HCBS Staffing
Rivka Putter
Director of Health Home Staffing
Michelle Somerstein
Director of Operations
Pinny Rockove
Director of Community Outreach
Chaya Rabin
Administrative Director
Mariel Cruz
Onboarding Rep and Intake Rep
Sonia Claros
Onboarding Rep
Abbie Cohen
Director of Staff Recruitment
Mwamba Okoro, MSW
Intake Representative
Daniella Winegard
Director of Onboarding
Chaya Goffin
Health Home Assistant Director
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