Community Habilitation for Children with Disabilities

11 Jan 2022
Community habilitation provides support and training for children with disabilities to develop the skills necessary for daily activities.

Community habilitation is a crucial service for children who are medically fragile, or have a severe mental health diagnosis, or are in foster care and have a developmental disability, or are in foster care and medically fragile, with significant needs that put them at risk of needing to be hospitalized or placed in an institutional setting.

It provides support and training for children to develop the necessary skills to participate in their community and daily activities. The service is designed to enhance the child's independence, socialization, and overall quality of life.

What is Community Habilitation for Children?

Community habilitation for children is a service provided under HCBS that is designed to provide these children with the necessary support and training to develop the skills to participate in their community and daily activities. The program is based on the individual needs of the child and focuses on skill-building in areas such as self-care, communication, socialization, and safety.

Community habilitation is typically provided in the child's home or community-based settings. The service is delivered by trained professionals who work closely with the child and their family to develop an individualized plan that meets the child's needs and goals.

How does Community Habilitation Work?

The process of community habilitation starts with an evaluation of the child's needs and goals which is done by the Care Manager. The child's caregiver, HCBS coordinator, and Care Manager work as a team to develop an individualized service plan that outlines the child's goals and the services required to achieve them.

The community habilitation program is delivered by trained professionals who work with the child to develop the necessary skills. The program may include activities such as self-care training, communication and socialization skills, leisure activities, and community integration. The program is designed to be flexible and responsive to the changing needs of the child.

Who is eligible for Community Habilitation Services?

Community habilitation is available to children who have been approved for services under the 1915c Children's Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver. To be eligible, a child must meet the following criteria:

  • Meet HCBS eligibility criteria: 1) Medically Fragile 2) Have an SED (severe emotional disturbance) 3) Are in foster care and have a developmental disability 4) Are in foster care and medically fragile.
  • Be under the age of 21.
  • Have a need for community habilitation services as determined by an assessment.
  • The individual must have significant needs that put them at risk of needing to be hospitalized or placed in an institutional setting.

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), "The HCBS waiver program provides states with the flexibility to develop and implement Medicaid programs that can provide home and community-based services to people who would otherwise require care in an institutional setting." This means that children who meet the eligibility criteria can receive community habilitation services in their homes or other community-based settings instead of being placed in an institution.

Community Habilitation Services for Children

Community Habilitation is a service that provides support and services to children with varying disabilities, with the goal of helping them develop the skills they need to live as independently as possible in their homes and communities. The service offers a variety of services tailored to each child's individual needs, including:

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

This includes help with tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and other daily self-care activities.

Communication and Socialization Skills Training

Community Habilitation provides training to help eligible children improve their communication and socialization skills, so that they can more effectively interact with others in their community.

Leisure Activity Support

This involves providing support for eligible children to participate in leisure activities that they enjoy, such as sports, arts and crafts, or other hobbies.

Community Integration Support

Community Habilitation helps children get involved in their communities by providing support for activities such as attending community events, volunteering, or joining clubs or organizations.

Medication Management Assistance

Community Habilitation staff can provide assistance with medication management, including reminding children to take their medication at the appropriate times and monitoring any side effects or interactions.

Meal Planning and Preparation Assistance

Staff can also assist with meal planning and preparation, including helping children learn how to make healthy food choices and cook nutritious meals.

Transportation Assistance

For children who require transportation to appointments or other activities, Community Habilitation can provide support for scheduling transportation and ensuring that the child arrives safely.

Overall, Community Habilitation is designed to provide comprehensive support for children with disabilities, helping them develop the skills they need to lead fulfilling and independent lives.

Examples of Specific Activities and Exercises in Community Habilitation Programs

Community Habilitation programs offer a wide range of activities and exercises that are tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of each child with disabilities. Here are some examples of specific activities and exercises that may be included in Community Habilitation services:

1. Self-Care Training

Self-care training is an essential component of Community Habilitation. This may include activities such as teaching children how to brush their teeth, shower or bathe, dress themselves appropriately, and groom themselves.

2. Communication Skills Training

Communication skills training can help children improve their ability to express themselves effectively and understand others. This can include activities such as learning how to use communication boards, sign language, or other alternative forms of communication.

3. Socialization Skills Training

Socialization skills training can help children learn how to interact with others effectively and build meaningful relationships. This can include activities such as role-playing social situations, practicing appropriate social behaviors, or participating in group activities.

4. Leisure Activities

Leisure activities are an important part of Community Habilitation as they provide opportunities for children to engage in activities they enjoy and develop hobbies or interests. These may include craft projects, sports activities like swimming or basketball, playing musical instruments like drums or piano.

5. Community Integration Activities

Community integration activities focus on helping children participate in their communities by attending events such as fairs or festivals, volunteering at community organizations like food banks or animal shelters, joining clubs like scouting groups, etc.

6. Safety Skills Training

Safety skills training is crucial for children who may be at higher risk for accidents or injuries due to their unique challenges. The program may include safety lessons about crossing streets safely using traffic signals; identifying emergency situations and responding appropriately; knowing when it's safe to approach strangers.

These are just a few examples of the specific activities and exercises that may be included in Community Habilitation services. The service is designed to be flexible and responsive to the changing needs and goals of each child, so the activities and exercises provided will vary based on individual circumstances.

Benefits of Community Habilitation for Children

Community Habilitation is an HCBS service type that offers support and services to eligible children, with the goal of helping them develop the skills they need to participate in their community and daily activities. The program provides many benefits to these children, including:

1. Increased Independence

One of the primary benefits of Community Habilitation is that it helps children develop the necessary skills to perform daily tasks independently.

This can include basic self-care activities such as dressing, grooming, and bathing, as well as more complex tasks such as meal planning and preparation, medication management, and transportation. By developing these skills, children can gain greater independence and self-confidence, which can lead to a higher quality of life.

2. Improved Socialization

Another key benefit of Community Habilitation is that it provides children with opportunities to interact with others and develop social skills.

Through activities such as attending community events, volunteering, or joining clubs or organizations, children can learn how to communicate effectively with others and build meaningful relationships. This can help them feel more connected to their community and improve their overall well-being.

3. Enhanced Communication

Communication is a critical skill for all individuals. Community Habilitation focuses on developing communication skills, which can improve the child's ability to express themselves and understand others. This can include training in verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as assistive technology such as communication boards or devices.

4. Increased Safety

Community Habilitation helps children to develop safety skills, such as understanding traffic signals when crossing the street or knowing how to respond in an emergency situation. By developing these skills, children can reduce their risk of accidents or injuries and feel more confident in their ability to navigate the world around them.

5. Improved Quality of Life

Overall, Community Habilitation can have a significant impact on the quality of life. By providing support and training in key areas such as independence, socialization, communication, and safety, the program can help children develop the skills they need to lead fulfilling and independent lives. This can lead to greater self-esteem, improved mental and physical health, and a sense of belonging within their community.

How Parents can get involved in their Child's Community Habilitation Service

Parents are an essential part of their child's Community Habilitation service. Here are some ways parents can get involved:

Attend Meetings and Reviews

Parents should attend all meetings and reviews related to their child's HCBS Community Habilitation service. This includes the initial evaluation, development of the individualized service plan, and periodic reviews to assess progress. By attending these meetings, parents can provide valuable input into their child's goals and needs.

Communicate with the Staff

Parents should communicate regularly with the staff who work with their child. This includes sharing information about any changes in the child's health or behavior, as well as providing feedback on how the program is working for their child. Regular communication can help ensure that the program is meeting the child's needs and goals.

Participate in Skill-Building Activities

Parents can participate in skill-building activities with their child. This can include practicing self-care tasks such as grooming or meal preparation or participating in leisure activities together. By participating in these activities, parents can reinforce skills learned during community habilitation sessions and provide additional support for their child.

Advocate for their Child

Finally, parents should advocate for their child's needs within the community. This may include advocating for accessible transportation options or ensuring that community events are inclusive for their child's specific needs. By advocating for their child, parents can help ensure that they have access to all of the resources and opportunities they need to thrive within their community.


Community Habilitation is a service type that provides support and services to eligible children, with the goal of helping them develop the skills they need to live as independently as possible in their homes and communities.

The program offers a variety of services tailored to each child's individual needs, including assistance with self-care training, communication and socialization skills, leisure activities, community integration, medication management assistance, meal planning and preparation assistance, and transportation assistance.

The benefits of Community Habilitation for children include increased independence, improved socialization, enhanced communication, increased safety, and improved quality of life. Parents can get involved by attending meetings and reviews related to their child's service, communicating regularly with staff who work with their child, participating in skill-building activities with their child, and advocating for their child within the community.

According to (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), the HCBS waiver program provides states with the flexibility to develop and implement Medicaid programs that can provide home and community-based services to people who would otherwise require care in an institutional setting. This means that children who meet the eligibility criteria can receive community habilitation services in their homes or other community-based settings instead of being placed in an institution.


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers.
  • National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (n.d.). Community Habilitation Services for Children with Disabilities.
  • New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. (n.d.). Community Habilitation.
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Home and Community-Based Services Waivers.
  • New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. (2021). Home and Community-Based Services Waiver - Community Habilitation.
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Home & Community Based Services Waivers.

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