41+ Homeschooling Statistics in U.S.: Key Statistics and Trends

11 Jan 2022
Homeschooling linked to higher achievement, $67k avg. salary, and increased college attendance/graduation (78% outperform peers).

Homeschooling has become an increasingly popular choice for families in recent years. Below are ten key statistics that provide a snapshot of current trends in homeschooling.

How Many Children Are Homeschooled in the United States?

As of the 2021-2022 academic year, approximately 3.1 million students in the United States from grades K-12 were homeschooled, representing approximately 6% of school-age children.

Source: nheri.org

Top 10 Key Homeschooling Statistics in U.S.

  1. In 2019, an estimated 2.5 million children are homeschooled, which represents approximately 3-4% of the school-age population.
  2. The number of homeschooled students in the US has steadily increased over the past decade, with an average annual growth rate of 2-8%.
  3. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 US states, but the specific regulations and requirements vary from state to state.
  4. The most common reason parents choose to homeschool is concern about the school environment, including safety, drugs, and negative peer pressure.
  5. Homeschooled students perform above average on standardized tests, with the average homeschooler scoring in the 65th-80th percentile.
  6. Homeschooling can be more affordable than traditional schooling, with an average cost of $$600-$$900 per year per student.
  7. Homeschooling families are diverse, with no one religious or political group dominating the homeschooling population.
  8. Homeschooled students are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and community service.
  9. Homeschoolers are more likely to vote and be involved in political activism as adults.
  10. Homeschooling has been associated with positive outcomes, including higher levels of academic achievement, better socialization, and improved mental health.

Homeschooling Statistics in the United States

  • In 2019, there were approximately 1.7 million homeschooled students aged 5 through 17 in the United States.
  • This represents approximately 3.3% of the total population of students in this age group.
  • Homeschooling rates vary by state, with the highest rates seen in Alaska (16.1%), Oklahoma (8.0%), and Idaho (7.6%).
  • The lowest rates of homeschooling are found in states such as New York (1.2%), Massachusetts (1.5%), and Pennsylvania (1.8%).

Homeschooling on the Rise During COVID-19

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschooling experienced a surge in popularity as many families sought alternative options to traditional schooling.
  • According to a recent survey conducted by EdChoice, 52% of parents said they were more likely to consider homeschooling or virtual schooling after the pandemic.
  • The National Home Education Research Institute reported that homeschooling rates doubled during the pandemic, with an estimated 5.4 million students being homeschooled in Spring 2021.
  • In addition, Google Trends data showed a significant increase in searches related to homeschooling during the pandemic compared to previous years.

Homeschooling Population by Race/Ethnicity

Source: census.gov
  • In terms of race and ethnicity, the homeschooling population is predominantly White, with approximately 71% of homeschooled students identifying as White.
  • Black students make up about 8% of the homeschooling population, while Hispanic/Latino students represent around 15%.
  • Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American/Alaska Native students each make up less than 2% of the homeschooling population.

Homeschooling Students by State

  • Texas: 314,896 homeschooled students
  • California: 174,142 homeschooled students
  • Florida: 135,749 homeschooled students
  • Ohio: 107,339 homeschooled students
  • North Carolina: 127,847 homeschooled students

These states have the highest number of homeschooling students according to recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The reasons behind this trend may vary depending on each state's unique laws and regulations around homeschooling. However, it is clear that homeschooling is becoming a more popular choice for families across the country.

For a comprehensive list of homeschooling rates by state, please refer to the following table.

Source: census.gov

Reasons Why Parents in the U.S. Choose to Homeschool Their Children

  • 91% of homeschooling parents cited concerns about the environment and safety of public schools as a reason for choosing to homeschool their children.
  • 77% of parents chose homeschooling because they wanted to provide religious or moral instruction to their children.
  • 74% of parents believed that homeschooling allowed for a more customized education that was tailored to their child's individual needs.
  • 64% of homeschooled students have at least one parent who has a bachelor's degree or higher.

Reasons for not Homeschooling

According to a survey conducted by EdChoice in 2021, there are several reasons why parents choose not to homeschool their children. Here are some key statistics:

  • 50% of parents cited concerns about their ability to provide an adequate education as a reason for not homeschooling.
  • 44% of parents said they did not want to take on the responsibility of teaching their children.
  • 40% of parents cited concerns about socialization and opportunities for extracurricular activities.
  • 27% of parents believed that homeschooling would be too time-consuming or difficult to manage alongside other responsibilities.

Academic Achievement of Homeschooled Children

Source: skillademia.com

Homeschooling has been associated with higher levels of academic achievement. Here are some statistics about the performance of homeschooled children:

  • An analysis by the National Home Education Research Institute found that home-schooled students outperform their traditionally-schooled peers 78% of the time.
  • Homeschooled students perform above average on standardized tests, with the average homeschooler scoring in the 65th-80th percentile.
  • In a study conducted by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), homeschooled students scored significantly higher than their public school counterparts on the ACT and SAT college entrance exams.
  • Another NHERI study found that homeschooled students who attended college had higher GPAs than their traditionally-schooled peers.

These statistics demonstrate that homeschooling can provide an excellent education for children.

Impact of Homeschooling on Social, Emotional, and Psychological Development

Homeschooled Students' Higher Earning Potential and College Attendance

  • According to a study by the National Home Education Research Institute, homeschooled students who enter the workforce have higher earning potential than their traditionally-schooled peers. The study found that homeschool graduates earn an average salary of $67,000 per year, compared to the national average of $49,000 per year.
  • Another study by the same institute revealed that homeschooled students are more likely to attend and graduate from college. The study found that 66.7% of homeschooled students aged 18-24 were enrolled in college, compared to 57.5% of traditionally-schooled students in the same age group.
  • A survey conducted by HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) also found that homeschool graduates are more likely to be involved in civic activities such as voting and volunteering. The survey reported that 71% of homeschool graduates participate in local community service projects, compared to only 37% of U.S. adults overall.

Benefits of Homeschooling: Higher Likelihood of Advanced Degrees, Improved Mental Health, and Independent Thinking.

  • Homeschooled students have a higher likelihood of pursuing advanced degrees. According to the National Home Education Research Institute, 74% of homeschooled students aged 18-24 have taken college-level courses, compared to 46% of traditionally-schooled students in the same age group.
  • Homeschooling can lead to improved mental health outcomes for students. A study published in The Journal of Educational Research found that homeschooled students reported lower levels of stress and greater life satisfaction than their traditionally-schooled peers.
  • Homeschoolers are more likely to develop independent thinking skills and take responsibility for their own learning. A survey conducted by the National Home Education Research Institute found that 87% of homeschooled students felt they had more control over their education than they would have in a traditional school setting.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, homeschooling is a viable option for families seeking alternative educational opportunities for their children. While it may not be the best fit for every family, the benefits of homeschooling cannot be ignored.

Homeschooled students tend to perform well academically and have better-developed social and emotional skills than their traditionally-schooled peers. Additionally, homeschooling can lead to improved mental health outcomes, higher earning potential, and a greater likelihood of civic engagement.

It's important to note that homeschooling requires a significant commitment from parents or guardians who take on the responsibility of educating their children. However, with dedication and resources available through homeschooling organizations and online communities, many families have found success in this educational model.


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