27+ Lying Statistics: The Truth About Lying (2023)

11 Jan 2022
Lying is a common human behavior, with 60% of people admitting to telling the most common lie: "I'm fine."

Statistics and facts are often used to support arguments, inform decisions, and persuade people. However, not all statistics and facts are created equal, and some can be misleading or outright false. In this context, it's important to recognize the prevalence of lying statistics and facts, which can have serious consequences if left unchecked. Let's explore the issue of lying statistics and facts and provide insights on how to identify and avoid them.

Key Lying Statistics

  1. An average person lies 1-2 times a day.
  2. 60% of people lie at least once in a 10-minute conversation.
  3. Men lie 6 times a day on average, while women lie 3 times a day on average.
  4. 40% of people lie on their resumes.
  5. 90% of people lie on their online dating profiles.
  6. 80% of women admit to lying to their partner about their spending habits.
  7. 50% of teenagers admit to lying to their parents about their whereabouts.
  8. People are more likely to lie over the phone than face to face.
  9. 81% of people lie about their height, weight or age online.
  10. Politicians lie on average once every five minutes during a debate.

The Truth About Lying: Frequency and Health Impact

  • On average, people tell 1-2 lies per day. This may seem like a small number, but it adds up quickly over time. If you do the math, that's between 365 and 730 lies per year!
  • Interestingly, one study found that people who were instructed to not lie at all for ten weeks actually experienced improvements in their physical and mental health compared to those who were not given this instruction.
  • Another study found that people are more likely to lie in the afternoon than in the morning, suggesting that willpower and self-control may play a role in our honesty levels throughout the day.

Why People Lie?

  • Fear of punishment is the most common reason for lying, with 27% of people admitting to it.
  • 23% of people lie to protect themselves or others from harm.
  • 20% of people lie to avoid embarrassment or shame.
  • 14% of people lie to gain power or advantage over others.
  • 9% of people lie out of habit or compulsion.

Who Do People Lie To?

  • 56% of people admit to lying to their boss or supervisor.
  • 42% of people have lied to their significant other about something significant.
  • 39% of people have lied to their friends at least once.
  • 28% of people have lied to a healthcare provider.
  • 23% of people have lied to their children.
  • 18% of people have lied on a job application.

Lies: Who's Most Vulnerable?

Whom are most being lied to? This is an important question, as it can reveal who is most vulnerable to the effects of lying statistics and facts. According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2020, the following are the percentages of people who have been lied to by someone they know:

  • Friends: 80%
  • Romantic partners: 70%
  • Family members: 69%
  • Coworkers: 64%
  • Acquaintances: 40%

Interestingly, the survey also found that people were more likely to be lied to by someone they knew than by a stranger. This highlights the importance of building trust and open communication in our personal and professional relationships.

Most Common Types of Lies People Tell - Statistics and Insights

  • White lies: These are the most common type of lie, with 72% of people admitting to telling them. These are often harmless lies that are told in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to be polite.
  • Lies about personal accomplishments: 64% of people admit to lying in this way. These can include exaggerating one's own achievements or skills, or taking credit for something they didn't do.
  • Lies about their emotions: 63% of people admit to telling these kinds of lies. These can include pretending to be happy when you're really upset, or saying you're not bothered by something when you actually are.
  • Lies about their whereabouts: 60% of people admit to lying about where they are at any given time. This could be because they don't want others to know where they are, or because they want to appear more interesting than they actually are.

The Most Common Lies People Tell

  • "I'm fine." This is perhaps the most common lie people tell, with 60% of people admitting to telling this lie. Often used as a response to the question "How are you?" when they're really not feeling okay.
  • "I'll be there in five minutes." This lie is told by 40% of people, and it's often used when running late or stuck in traffic.
  • "I'm on my way." 35% of people admit to using this lie when they're not even close to leaving their current location.
  • "I didn't see your message/call." This is a common excuse for not responding to messages or calls, and 30% of people admit to using it.
  • "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions." This lie is often used when signing up for online services, with 25% of people admitting to not actually reading the terms and conditions before agreeing to them.

The Consequences of Lying: Damaged Trust, Legal Consequences, and More

  • Lying can damage trust and relationships. In a study conducted by the University of California, Santa Barbara, participants who were told that their partner had lied to them in a game were less likely to cooperate with their partner in future interactions.
  • Lying can have negative effects on mental health. Research has found that individuals who frequently lie experience more anxiety, depression, and stress than those who are more honest.
  • Lying can lead to legal consequences. In a survey conducted by the American Management Association, 21% of respondents reported that they had been involved in a lawsuit where lying was a contributing factor.
  • Lying can damage one's reputation and credibility. A study conducted by CareerBuilder found that 58% of employers have caught an employee lying on their resume, which could lead to termination or difficulty finding future employment opportunities.

The Psychology of Lying: Understanding the Complexities of Deception

People lie for a variety of reasons, including to protect themselves, to avoid punishment, and to gain an advantage. However, the act of lying is not as simple as it may seem. The psychology of lying is a complex subject that delves into the motivations behind why people tell lies, how they do it, and what the consequences of lying can be.

Lying can become a habit, and frequent liars may find themselves telling lies even when there is no real benefit to doing so. This can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety, as well as damage to personal relationships. Additionally, some people may have a pathological tendency to lie, which can be indicative of deeper psychological issues.

To truly understand the psychology of lying, it is important to examine the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to the behavior. By doing so, we can gain a greater understanding of how lying impacts our lives and the lives of those around us.

Frequent Lying Causes

While lying is a common human behavior, some people lie more frequently than others. Here are some reasons why this might be the case:

1. Personality Traits

Certain personality traits, such as narcissism or low self-esteem, may lead individuals to lie more frequently.

2. Upbringing and Culture

Growing up in an environment where lying is normalized or even encouraged can make it more likely for individuals to adopt the same behavior.

3. Coping Mechanism

People who have experienced trauma or abuse may use lying as a coping mechanism to protect themselves or avoid further harm.

Although lying can serve a purpose in the short term, it can also have negative consequences on one's personal and professional life. Frequent lying can damage trust and relationships with others, lead to legal issues, and cause mental health problems like anxiety and guilt.

Strategies to Stop Lying

If you find yourself lying frequently, there are steps you can take to stop this behavior. Here are some strategies that may help:

1. Identify Your Triggers

Try to understand what situations or emotions lead you to lie. This awareness can help you find alternative ways of dealing with these triggers that don't involve lying.

2. Practice Honesty

Start by being honest about small things in your daily interactions. Gradually work your way up towards bigger issues. This can help build your confidence in being truthful and reduce the urge to lie.

If you feel that your lying behavior is beyond your control or causing significant harm to yourself or others, consider seeking help from a therapist. They can help you address underlying psychological issues that contribute to the behavior and provide guidance on how to change it for the better.


Lying is a prevalent and complex issue that affects individuals in various aspects of their lives. In this article, we explored lying statistics and facts, including the most common types of lies people tell, reasons why people lie, and who is most vulnerable to being lied to. We also discussed the consequences of lying, such as damaged trust, legal issues, and negative impacts on mental health.

Understanding the psychology of lying can help us identify its complexities and underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to the behavior. Frequent lying can be caused by personality traits, upbringing and culture, or used as a coping mechanism for trauma or abuse. To stop lying behavior, identifying triggers and practicing honesty are effective strategies.


  • University of California Santa Barbara: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/684200
  • Harris Poll, "The Truth About Lying," American Psychological Association, July/August 2004
  • Statista, "Share of adults in the United States who have lied for various reasons as of June 2019"
  • Serota, K.B., Levine, T.R., & Boster, F.J. (2010). The prevalence of lying in America: Three studies of self-reported lies. Human Communication Research, 36(1), 2–25.
  • Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E., Galinsky, A.D., & DeCelles, K.A. (2018). "Can Dishonesty Breed Trust? The Consequences of Lying for the Subsequent Cooperation of Others." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76: 405-413.
  • Serota, K.B., Levine, T.R., & Boster, F.J. (2010). "The prevalence of lying in America: Three studies of self-reported lies." Human Communication Research, 36(2): 2-25.
  • Feldman, R.S. (2010). The Liar in Your Life: The Way to Truthful Relationships. New York: Twelve.
  • American Management Association (2006). "Lying at Work: How Dishonesty Undermines Productivity and Profits." Human Resource Management International Digest, 14(1): 35-37.

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